Test Paper
Value Education-4
1. The Selfish Crows
2. The Ugly Tree
3. Health is Wealth
4. King Bruce and the Spider
4. The lgnorant Man
5. A Greedy Fisherman
6. Three Thieves
7. The Dishonest Doctor
8. The Right Judgement
9. Our India, Clean India
10. The Stranger in the Garden
11. The Nails of Anger
12. The Moneylender and his Purse
13. Never Criticize Others
14. The lgnorant Man
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Value Education
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1. The Selfish Crows
2. The Ugly Tree
3. Health is Wealth
4. King Bruce and the Spider
4. The lgnorant Man
5. A Greedy Fisherman
6. Three Thieves
7. The Dishonest Doctor
8. The Right Judgement
9. Our India, Clean India
10. The Stranger in the Garden
11. The Nails of Anger
12. The Moneylender and his Purse
13. Never Criticize Others
14. The lgnorant Man