Test Paper
1. Know Your Planet
2. Parallels and Meridians
3. Why Does the Climate Vary?
4. The Land of Dense Forests (The Democratic Republic of Congo)
5. The Land of Sand (Saudi Arabia)
6. The Temperate Grasslands (The Prairies)
7. The Land of lce and Snow (Greenland)
8. Conquering Distances
9. Sharing of Thoughts and Feelings
10. The World of Knowledge
11. Living Longer and Healthier
12. Towards Freedom
13. The Beginning of the Struggle
14. India Wins Freedom
15. The United Nations
16. United Nations and its Organs
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1. Know Your Planet
2. Parallels and Meridians
3. Why Does the Climate Vary?
4. The Land of Dense Forests (The Democratic Republic of Congo)
5. The Land of Sand (Saudi Arabia)
6. The Temperate Grasslands (The Prairies)
7. The Land of lce and Snow (Greenland)
8. Conquering Distances
9. Sharing of Thoughts and Feelings
10. The World of Knowledge
11. Living Longer and Healthier
12. Towards Freedom
13. The Beginning of the Struggle
14. India Wins Freedom
15. The United Nations
16. United Nations and its Organs